Florist's Choice - Boxed Arrangement


Say hello to our Surprise Boxed Arrangement!


Unsure of what to pick? Then leave it up to us!


Packed with the florist’s favourite blooms, this lively mix features a splash of colours and styles that are sure to delight. Perfect for any occasion, it’s a joyful surprise that brings a smile with every petal!


Each of our Boxed Arrangements will arrive to your door in a white box with white paper and are finished with a super cute matching ribbon!


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Your message will be included on a complimentary message card


*Select a preferred date in checkout to schedule your flower delivery

Please note: Our florists work hard every day to bring you the best blooms, so colours, styles and blooms in your bunch will vary each day. Don’t worry though, each bunch will be made with lots of love and care!


If you have any special colour or flower requests, please email us with your order number and we'll do our best to accommodate your needs. 

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